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12-07-2023 13:27
Dubbed StackRot (#CVE-2023-3269, CVSS score: 7.8), the flaw impacts #Linux versions 6.1 through 6.4. There is no ev…
09-07-2023 23:44
RT @hardenedvault: +Protecting Linux at Kernel Level Why and How
https://t.co/9gQvMLVa8v #0day #exploit #linux #mitigation
06-07-2023 14:01

cve-2023-37454 Vulnerabilidad documentada

An issue was discovered in the Linux kernel through 6.4.2. A crafted UDF filesystem image causes a use-after-free write operation udf_put_super and udf_close_lvid functions fs/udf/super.c.
06-07-2023 07:02
New #Linux kernel vulnerability uncovered → StackRot (CVE-2023-3269) opens doors to unauthorized elevated privilege…
05-07-2023 16:01

cve-2023-35001 Vulnerabilidad documentada

7.8 HIGH
Linux Kernel nftables Out-Of-Bounds Read/Write Vulnerability; nft_byteorder poorly handled vm register contents when CAP_NET_ADMIN is in any user or network namespace
http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/787.html CWE-787 Out-of-bounds Write
03-07-2023 09:03
Newbie #Akira Ransomware Builds Momentum With #Linux Shift
https://t.co/VL8oh86c7t #RCE #ZeroTrust #ZeroDay… https://t.co/6HlXkjt3Re
01-07-2023 20:46
RT @techhelpkb: Catch up on the top 10 #articles from this week that resonated with our #readers. A #Linux kernel #0day, #Proton’s new #pas…
01-07-2023 20:34
Catch up on the top 10 #articles from this week that resonated with our #readers. A #Linux kernel #0day, #Proton’s…
30-06-2023 17:16

cve-2023-29147 Vulnerabilidad documentada

In Malwarebytes EDR 1.0.11 for Linux, it is possible to bypass the detection layers that depend on inode identifiers, because an identifier may be reused when a file replaced, and two files different filesystems can have same identifier.
28-06-2023 22:01

cve-2023-36476 Vulnerabilidad documentada

7.9 HIGH
calamares-nixos-extensions provides Calamares branding and modules for NixOS, a distribution of GNU/Linux. Users calamares-nixos-extensions version 0.3.12 prior who installed NixOS through the graphical calamares installer, with an unencrypted `/boot`, on either non-UEFI systems or LUKS partition different from `/` have their key file in `/boot` as plaintext CPIO archive attached to initrd. A patch is available anticipated be part 0.3.13 backport 22.11, 23.05, unstable channels. Expert users copy data may, workaround, re-encrypt partition(s) themselves.
http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html CWE-200 Exposure Sensitive Information Unauthorized Actor
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